
What is Self-Exclusion?

Limited Gaming Rule 29 and Sports Betting Rule 9 established responsible gaming duties and requirements for Casinos and Sports Betting Operations, as well as guidance to individuals who wish to self-exclude from gaming in Colorado. These rules also established the Colorado Division of Gaming as the custodian of the Self-Exclusion list. It is the duty of the Division to compile and share the list with all operators within Colorado. 

What does it mean to Self-Exclude?

A person may voluntarily apply to be self-excluded from gaming in Colorado. Individual self-exclusion means that an individual has made a conscious voluntary effort to exclude themselves from *all forms of gaming* under the regulatory purview of the Colorado Limited Gaming Control Commission and the Colorado Division of Gaming. 

Persons excluded from gaming are prohibited from:
   - Gambling at casinos 
   - Placing sports wagers at on-site sportsbooks
   - Placing sports wagers at online sportsbooks

Persons on the exclusion may not participate or collect winnings from the gaming in Colorado on which they are prohibited. Players that self exclude shall not, while on the exclusion list, be able to redeem points, bonuses, comps or freeplay.

Individuals that self-exclude from gaming corporations that have gaming operations in other states may be included on their corporate exclusion list and may be included in other state exclusion programs. An individual self-excluding in Colorado shall be informed prior to being placed on a corporate exclusion list.

Exclusion Periods
  • 1 year (this is the minimum)
  • 3 years
  • 5 years
Can I be removed from the Self-Exclusion List?

Can I be removed from the Self-Exclusion List?

  • No person is automatically removed from the exclusion list when the selected or directed time period ends. 
  • Individuals will continue to remain on the Self-Exclusion List until they request to be removed.
  • Individuals that have self-excluded or are on the excluded list will need approval from the Division of Gaming Director prior to being removed from the exclusion list.  
  • Individuals that are on the exclusion list and have not completed their self-selected period of self-exclusion may petition the Colorado Division of Gaming’s Director for removal from the list.

Request Removal from Self-Exclusion List here

How do I apply to the Self-Exclusion List?

You may apply to the Self-Exclusion list online through a google form, or via a downloadable .pdf that can be emailed, mailed to, or dropped off at the Division of Gaming Office.

If you are unable to apply using the online form, or downloadable .pdf, you may also visit the Division of Gaming Office to complete the application.

Complete Self Exclusion for via PDF

You may apply to the Self-Exclusion list using the PDF form. Please download the form and fill it out electronically, or you my print and fill using ink. Fill out the form accurately and include all requested documents. 


Where can I apply?

Submit by Email:
Please email your application to:


Submit by Mail or Drop Off:
1707 Cole Blvd., Suite 300

Lakewood, CO 80401





No person is automatically removed from the exclusion list when the selected or directed time period ends. 

Individuals that have self-excluded or are on the excluded list will need approval from the Division of Gaming Director prior to being removed from the exclusion list.  Individuals will continue to remain on the Self-Exclusion List until they request to be removed.

There are two different methods to request removal from the Self-Exclusion List:

Request removal from the Self-Exclusion List!

Request removal from the Self-Exclusion List by pdf!